Sutton Storm Volunteers
The club is run by a group of friendly volunteers who give up a bit of their time to help ensure the club runs as smoothly as possible, without volunteers we wouldn't be able to operate. We'd love people to come and join us, so if you are still willing and wanting to get involved we'd love to hear from you, so please drop us an email.
We're looking for people to fill a variety of roles or people that can bring other skills to help the club run and hopefully grow. We're looking for people to fill the following roles:
Club Chairman - organise and chair monthly committee meetings and set overall direction for the club.
Treasurer & Court Bookings - Responsible for maintaining accounts and notifying team managers of non-payers, in addition handle court bookings. Needs to attend monthly committee meetings.
Club Secretary - manage email account (handle inquiries) and coordinate between volunteers. Probably 1hrs a week. Needs to attend monthly committee meetings.
Safeguarding Officer - ensure those required have been DBS checked and completed relevant safeguarding courses. Deal with any safeguarding issues that arise.
Basketball England membership coordinator - make sure players have BE membership and are associated with Sutton Storm and assigned to a team - notify team managers of players without BE memberships. This is required for the first 3months of the season (Oct - Dec) and takes probably 1hrs a week after that very minimal effort.
Social media coordinator - manage social media platforms on Facebook and instagram (linked accounts), responding to direct messages, posting any new events/reminders/game photos etc. It would be great if Team Mgrs would send match photo’s (incl. final scoreboard) after each game, as this can be content, we share/post.
Website administrator - maintain website as required (Eventbrite links), create Google forms to capture player details. Website needs updating at the start of the season (registration form/page and tables, fixtures and result pages) and then as and when required. Ideally someone with an IT background.
Team Managers - chase non-payers and players without BE memberships, if necessary, organise teams for matches via Teamer and collect match fees. Ideally a parent who attends training.